When I retired 3 years ago, I was searching for a possibility to volunteer in a social project. As I had always been very active in sports – also as a trainer – I soon came up with the idea to offer a Nordic Walking course for patients having Parkinson’s disease. This is how I came to the centre ‘La Tulipe’ in Leudelange once per week – by now, I am there almost every single day.
I truly enjoy supporting the patients in their fight against Parkinson’s by offering a specifically designed sport programme. Now, I also offer courses in Tai Chi and yoga which I support with some elements from traditional Chinese medicine. It is my personal aim to develop and implement an integrative concept to help each patient individually. In order to archive this, regular exercise is very important as well as a positive mood. I can regularly observe how the patients benefit from this and gain mental confidence. Thus, my slogan for everyone is: Always remain positive!