How to participate as a patient
If you have further questions or would like to participate as patient, please contact the team at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg by phone or email. The examinations will take place at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg or on one of the locations of our Flying Team, in Luxembourg or in the Greater Region. Our study team welcomes you in the study rooms that are located in the old Maternité building of the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg. Please use the separate entrance with the sign 'Parkinson Klinik' that is easily accessible from the parking of the old Maternité.
Does the Luxembourg Parkinson's Study include any treatment?
We’d like to emphasize that the Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study does not include any drug testing or treatment. We will not prescribe or offer any medication, nor do we change the therapy given by your treating physician. Therefore, no risk of treatment-related side effects exist for the participants of our study.
Can I withdraw from the collection?
You can withdraw your samples and clinical data from the collection at any time without giving a reason by contacting the Principal Investigator. If any part of your sample has already entered a research study, it cannot be removed from it. You may also withdraw your consent to participate in the online surveys at any time.

+352 44 11- 48 48
(+352) 621 789 769
Parkinson's Research Clinic
6, rue Nicolas Barblé
How to participate as a control subject
For the Luxembourg Parkinson Study we also require the help of people without Parkinson’s disease that can be compared to patients as health control subjects of same age and sex.
Examinations for control persons will take place at the LCTR (Luxembourg Clinical and Translational Research Center). The LCTR team is happy to welcome you in their study rooms.
How often do I need to participate?
We do follow up examinations to get a detailed insight into the course of the disease. During this appointment we will perform neurological and neuropsychological examinations as well as sample collections like during your first visit. We invite patients to participate in a follow up examination once a year and healthy control subjects every 4 years.
Phone: +352 26970-889
LCTR (Luxembourg Clinical and TranslationalResearch Center)
6, Rue Nicolas-Ernest Barblé
Bâtiment BAM
L-1210 Luxembourg
The Flying team
As an alternative to the participation in the Parkinson's Research Clinic in Luxembourg, you also have the possibility to be examined by our Flying Team on one of the locations below, closer to your place of residence. The visits to those locations are fixed beforehand:
- Association Parkinson Luxembourg 16, rue des Chaps, L-3348 Leudelange
- Centre Hospitalier du Nord 120, avenue Salentiny, L-9080 Ettelbrück
- Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch Rue Emile Mayrisch, L-4240 Esch-sur-Alzette
The Flying Team can reach the various locations on dates fixed beforehand, thanks to the van generously donated by the André and Henriette Losch Foundation. The examinations are done on the spot by a neurologist, a neuropsychologist and a nurse, all part of the NCER-PD Flying Team. They are also collecting blood, urine and saliva samples that will then be prepared and stored for the research programme at the Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg (IBBL). Storing them adequately during transportation is essential. Therefore, the donated van is custom-made for this purpose, which ultimately contributes to quality assurance. We can however not offer visits at home.
If you have additional questions or you would like to participate as a patient at one of the locations where the flying team goes, please get in contact with our clinical team at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, by telephone or email.
Tel: +352 44 11 4848
Fax: +352 44 11- 48 48