My wife had noticed that my feet shuffled, and my right arm often hung down. In addition, I also experienced severe nightmares. When I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 10 years ago, I initially coped well with it, always having done a lot of sport. However, my movements are now extremely limited. As a result of many operations for cancer therapy and additional restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I am now much less mobile. I am grateful that my wife supports me as much as she can.
I often feel agitated and want to be in motion but many times my plans don't work out as I had imagined them, which is very frustrating. I used to enjoy dancing and riding motorbikes, which unfortunately is no longer possible. However, a hobby that I can still enjoy very much is baking. I use my knowledge to teach baking to others in the centre "La Tulipe” of the Parkinson Luxembourg association. I feel very comfortable here, where life has slowed down, and I can enjoy every moment.