Your Corporate Team
Would you like to...
...foster the team spirit of you employees?
...increase visibility of your company? fight for a good cause?
Join the public PILLOW FIGHT with your corporate team to fight Parkinson’s disease!
- Register your corporate team by writing us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Book the pillows for your team (10 pillows for 75 euros!*)
- Participate to our social media campaign #ParkinsonsFighters (example here)
- Wear your corporate t-shirts!
- Join the different 20min pillow fights throughout the afternoon !
- Have fun fighting other corporate teams and the general public!
* All proceeds go to the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease.
Several companies will fight with us for Parkinson’s, so you will probably have the chance to fight against some of your competitors!
So book your agenda and get your pillows ready! We would be delighted to see you there with your corporate team!