importance of follow up visits

Why are follow-ups important?

Last week we had the first patient completing their 4th follow-up visit (pictured), and the 100th patient completing their 3rd follow-up visit. We are very grateful to them because we know that this also involves time and effort.

Annual follow-up examinations are especially important for the Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study. We want to understand why Parkinson's disease develops differently in each patient. Because Parkinson's is not the same for everyone - there are different forms and different needs, varying from person to person.

The annual follow-up visits allow researchers to create a dataset that includes disease stages for typical and atypical forms of parkinsonism, including early non-motor signs and data on the progression of the disease. This data helps us better understand Parkinson's disease and its causes, and develop new therapies for our patients. The better we research Parkinson’s characteristics, the more accurately we can predict the course of a disease for a specific individual, and tailor therapies to their Parkinson’s.

So far, more than 1,200 people are now participating in the Luxembourg Parkinson Study: more than 600 people with Parkinson's disease having their physical condition closely examined every year according to scientific criteria, providing researchers with valuable data. An equal amount of people without Parkinson’s disease, serving as control subjects, is examined every 4 years.

By 31st October 2018, a total of 601 patients (P) have been seen for a first visit (BL, red). In the follow-up (FU), 332 patients have been seen for first (green), 185 for second (purple), and 25 for third (orange) visit after their initial assessment.

But why are follow-ups important for controls too?

Follow-up visits are not only important only for people with Parkinson’s disease, but also for controls (people without Parkinson’s disease). Making up almost half of the study participants, their visits are an important part of the research as it allows researchers to compare the healthy and diseased state of people with same gender and age.

A follow-up examination every 4 years for control subjects allows to follow the effects of healthy ageing for instance.

What can you do to help?

Therefore, we would like to cordially invite all participants who have already completed the in-depth examination but have not yet decided on one of the annual follow-up examinations to follow our invitations. Only then each participant can give the NCER-PD study its special long-term value and increase the medical knowledge gain for a better treatment immensely!

If you are a person with Parkinson’s disease and you would like to register for a fisrt visit or a follow-up, contact the Parkinson’s Research Clinic


Tel: +352 44 11 4848

If you are a person without Parkinson’s disease and you would like to register for a first visit or a follow-up, contact the Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center (CIEC) at the Luxembourg Institute of Health.


Tel: (+352) 26970-889