Agnes: Our journey with Parkinson's disease began when we wanted to contribute to research and signed up as control subjects for the Luxembourg Parkinson's Study.
Norbert: Apart from taking part, we didn't think much about it until one day I noticed a twitch in my leg. That was the first sign that I might have the disease myself. Agnes had also already noticed that my sense of smell was getting worse.
Agnes: Norbert worked at the tire factory. He didn't seem to notice that his clothes smelled of rubber when he came home. At first, I thought he had just gotten used to it, but now we know it was the first sign of Parkinson's.
Norbert: Together we cope with the daily challenges the disease poses. Agnes accompanies me to the doctor, where she can often provide valuable information. For example, she can see when something changes in my posture or movement. Something I don't always notice myself.
Agnes: I also go to the conferences at the Centre La Tulipe with Norbert because I want to keep up to date with the disease. It's also just a nice place to spend time together and socialise, especially as many people go there with their partner.
Norbert: Even though we face Parkinson's together, Agnes still allows me my independence. We balance this quite well, which allows me to stay independent and her to not be burdened too much.
Agnes: That way the illness doesn't take over our lives. We can still do a lot of things together that we used to enjoy, and we try to keep that up as much as possible.
Norbert: Life doesn't stop with the diagnosis, together we stay motivated!
“Parkinson family means:
Parkinson mother
Parkinson father
Parkinson daughter
Parkinson son
One alone is weak
ALL together WE are strong: PARKINSON FIGHTERS.”