Bachelor programme and specializations in medicine to be established

Bachelor programme and specializations in medicine to be established

The government has decided to establish new medical training programmes in Luxembourg within the next years.

The University of Luxembourg will set up a bachelor programme in medicine that will allow students to complete three years of their studies in Luxembourg, instead of only one year so far. The courses are expected to start in 2020. The programme will be carried out in close cooperation with other universities, such as the University of Strasbourg. “Creating an entirely new bachelor in Medicine will give Luxembourg the opportunity to design the best curriculum to prepare students for the Medicine of the Future,” says LCSB-Director Prof. Rudi Balling. Considering the digitalization trends in medicine, students will not only require traditional knowledge in medicine, but also be able to talk to research and data management experts during their career. “In Luxembourg we now have the chance to create a program that will be a role model for future medical education in Europe.”

Besides the Bachelor program, Luxembourg will also offer medical specializations in Neurology and Oncology as of 2019 for doctors that have completed their studies. So far Luxembourg only had specialization training for general practitioners. With these two new domains, Luxembourg builds on its strong research expertise in Neurology at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg and in Oncology at the Luxembourg Institute of Health. “Establishing these specializations will allow us to train the best young doctors specifically to the needs of the country and in accordance with international standards of excellence,“ says Prof. Rejko Krüger, neurologist at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg and professor at the University of Luxembourg. According to Krüger, the new specialization program specifically addresses the need to link research and care by training physician scientists and thereby allowing the patient to directly benefit from research results and innovation.

For more information, read the press release of the Chambre des Députés (in French).