Parkinson's disease survey

New survey: The Luxembourg Parkinson study aims to bring research ideas and everyday practice closer together

Previous research on Parkinson’s disease has yielded many important results that can already improve life of people with Parkinson's disease.

NCER-PD Summer Party 2018

NCER-PD Summer Party 2018

We are inviting all the participants of the NCER-PD programme, together with their families, to our summer party.

ParkinsonNet – Optimal treatment thanks to better networking

ParkinsonNet – Optimal treatment thanks to better networking

Press conference on 23 March 2018 at the Maison du Savoir in Campus Belval (Esch-sur-Alzette) to launch the integrated care network ParkinsonNet Luxembourg.

Second Pillow Fight to support the battle against Parkinson’s

On 9 June, the second edition of the Giant Public Pillow Fight took place in Luxembourg in front of the Grand Ducal Palace. The event’s aim was to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease and the research activities of the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD).

The 100th patient recruited by the Flying Team

As an alternative to the participation in the Parkinson's Research Clinic in Luxembourg, you also have the possibility to be examined by our Flying Team! Recently, the team achieved a new milestone: the 100th participant recruited through the Flying Team!