importance of follow up visits

Why are follow-ups important?

Last week we had the first patient completing their 4th follow-up visit (pictured), and the 100th patient completing their 3rd follow-up visit. We are very grateful to them because we know that this also involves time and effort.

Patient association Junge Meenzer Parkis visits the LCSB

Patient association Junge Meenzer Parkis visits the LCSB

On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, the Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg welcomed around 30 members of the German patient association Junge Meenzer Parkis in its laboratories.

Physiotherapy and Parkinson’s disease: Learn how cueing can improve your gait

The gait of people with Parkinson’s disease can be affected by changes in posture, slowness of movement and a shortened stride.

World PD Day 2019

World PD Day

Today, 11 April, is World Parkinson Day. It marks the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson who first described the disease. It began in 1997 as a joint initiative between the EPDA and the World Health Organisation to raise awareness of the disease. 

Physiotherapy and Parkinson’s disease: Learn how to change positions more easily

Physiotherapy and Parkinson’s disease: Learn how to change positions more easily

Changing positions in Parkinson’s disease can be difficult and can be affected by various motor symptoms such as bradykinesia (slowness of movement), muscle stiffness and tremors. Daily movements such as getting out of the bed or getting up from a chair can be challenging.