JUP Talk - Jung und Parkinson interview with Prof. Rudi Balling

Frank Michler, vice-chairman of the German patient organisation Jung und Parkinson, has interviewed the director of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) as part of the JUP Talk series, video Q&A sessions addressing different aspects of Parkinson’s disease with professionals from various fields and patients.

Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease

200 years ago, a British surgeon named James Parkinson described for the first time the symptoms of a disease that was later named after him. Since then treatment and understanding of this disorder have improved thanks to the doctors and researchers’ work. But the diagnosis is still a complex process and always requires the opinion of an experienced neurologist. Why is it so difficult to pinpoint the disease?

Luxembourg Parkinson Study celebrates first birthday

Last Friday, 8 July 2016, the Luxembourg Parkinson Study NCER-PD celebrated ist first birthday with a Summer Party, on the Belval Campus. 

ParkinsonNet team visits Luxembourg

Professor Bas Bloem and colleagues from the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, the Netherland, visited Luxembourg on July 19 to present the concept of the Dutch ParkinsonNet that revolutionized the management of a chronic disease like Parkinson’s.

NCER-PD at the JuP Movie Day 2016

 On Saturday, 21 May 2016, the NCER-PD Clinical Team travelled to Trier in Germany where the patient organisation “Jung und Parkinson” hosted their yearly “Movie Day” in a local cinema.