The 100th NCER-PD Patient

In October, the NCER-PD team has reached 100 participants in the Luxembourg Parkinson study.

Special suit shows how Parkinson’s disease feels

If you read about Parkinson’s disease (PD), you will quickly hear about typical symptom such as muscle stiffness and tremor. But how does that feel?

Parkinson’s experts from Oxford visit Luxembourg to start collaboration

During their visit and lectures at the LCSB last week, Prof. Michele Hu and Prof. Richard Wade-Martins from the Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre (OPDC) exchanged their experiences from the last five years with researchers from Luxembourg and started a collaboration within the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD) research program.

How to best treat patients with advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that generally progresses over the course of the years. Particularly, for patients at advanced stages of the disease where treatment options had previously been limited new therapies have emerged on the market in recent years.

NCER-PD at the Blast Furnace Festival

Belval has recently changed from an old steel industry site to an innovative University Campus. On 4-5 July, the Fond Belval organizes the Blast Furnaces Festival during which visitors can experience this recent development in a lively atmosphere with art and music. Of course it wouldn’t be complete without science and NCER-PD.