NCER PD Losch foundation

Donation from the André et Henriette Losch Foundation puts Parkinson's research team on the road

Thanks to a generous donation from the André et Henriette Losch Foundation, in future it will be easier for Parkinson's patients to participate in the Luxembourg Parkinson's study.

mPOWER – the new app for Parkinson’s patients

In the RTL “Pisa – De Wëssensmagazin” broadcast of 29 November 2015 on the topic “Big Data”, Prof. Dr. Rejko Krüger introduced the new mPOWER app for mobile phones, which has been recently developed by Sage Bionetworks in the US.

NCER PD Newsletter

Read the online version of the first NCER-PD Newsletter!

Today, we are very happy to present you our first NCER-PD Newsletter, which will keep you informed twice per year, on the different aspects and the progress of the project.

ncer pd luxembourg consortium

First Consortium Meeting of the NCER-PD

On Monday, 9 November 2015, the first formal consortium meeting of the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease (NCER-PD) took place at the Maison du Savoir in Esch-Belval.